Thursday, September 3, 2020


With the summer movie season a complete loss, we have now reached September and theaters in the US are still struggling to be allowed to open in much of the country. I fully understand that we continue to be very much in a middle of a deadly pandemic and there are far more important things to worry about. Yet as I see the rest of the world cautiously reopening businesses, I am incredibly frustrated that there is no clear leadership in this country to help guide us safely in that direction (I will refrain from diving deeply in to my political views on this subject but will simply state that I hope in November there will be a much needed change at the top). 

I have previously expressed how I don't understand at all how some state officials believe that gyms, museums and casinos are somehow safer for people to enter than movie theaters. And my opinion on that has not changed. There has always been risk in life and if theaters will invest in taking thorough safety measures in order to reopen, we should be allowed to make our own informed decision whether to reenter their establishments.

At this time, I would normally be sharing some of the upcoming movies coming out over the next four months that I can't wait to see. But with so much up in the air, I'm not really in the mood to invest the time. Luckily, Vulture has continued the tradition and rounded up a collection of thirty-nine feature films that plan to be released in movie theaters, streaming services or possibly both this fall. I'm hopeful that most of these films will actually be able to keep their planned release but all dates are most certainly subject to change.

Click below to read the article:

2020 Fall Movies We're Excited To See

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